Buying Guide


Here are some basic principles that should be taken when buying a new turntable, at least from our point of view, where we will not consider the purchase of a DJ turntable, because it belongs to the domain selection of professional equipment for work, and that isĀ  ruled by other principles.

Many believe that with a buying a new turntable is all over, in the sense that there is no additional cost, however this is often not the case. Only when unpacking the turntable and listen to it for a while, they realize that they need a new platform-lining, the new mat, brush for cleaning plates, clamp, new power, and so on. All of these enhancements affect the end result, that is the sound of a turntable, or not in equal measure, and so the acquisition of the same debate. Of course, carbon brush is an essential piece of equipment for every record player lover, but it can not be said for the clamp or a new power supply.

So, not to fall into the trap of constant additional costs for different turntable addons, before buying a new turntable it would be well to consider the qualities and characteristics of the turntable. Some turntables require superior (insulation) platform also to give maximum performance, the second coming with mounted cartridge which is sometimes two classes below the class of the turntable, etc. In addition, the buyer must be prepared to compromise; it may be cheaper to buy a record player without cover and often delete dust, but why not to get “more music” for the original money invested.

For popular models, we examined well known and specific characteristics of each model individually. If any of you are those who are familiar with some details that are not described here, please send us a brief description to be classified in this guide and also future customers with selecting the appropriate model, and shopping.

World Of Turntables will be constantly supplemented with a reviews of a new models of turntables, as well as relevant information on the same.

Reviews and description of the sound of some turntables are the result of personal experience and the experience of sound, although our personal opinion is not far from a general impression.

To have a good turntable for some people is needs – because they did not give up collection of vinyl LPs. For some gramophone matter of taste – as it is sometimes beautifully designed useful objects that, in addition another, more beautiful than any other digital devices which play music.

And for some it is a record player at home the question of prestige – because they want to have a thing for which they will “drool” their family friends.

Reasons to buy turntables, therefore, has more – one of the most important is a return of vinyl – and even those who now consider only record player whimsically idle admirers of analog devices is unlikely to remain indifferent towards the beauty of the visual impression of turntables.

More to hear them as they play, and would probably start thinking about yourself procurement of such a device with a soul that is completely compatible with modern way of listening to music on the iPod, without which, say, I can not imagine a single day of life, and I carry it in your pocket everywhere you have to go.

If you have a collection of vinyl with whom you did not know what to do or that you would like to use more often, if you want a little “archaeological” search for an old LP records or you want to hear on vinyl sound of new albums of Dylan, Springsteen, AC / DC, Coldplay, Radiohead, Kings of Leon, Foo Fighters, Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones and Duffy – especially jazz – you have found yourself at least one justification for the acquisition of the good, not old but new turntable.

After all, the pleasure of listening to music from vinyl LP records is in the sphere of the audiophile cool experience and even the best and most expensive CD players will not be able to afford that sound and feeling because nothing can match with the warmth of vinyl records sound carefully laid on a plate of one of these amazing turntable.

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