Jensen JTA-230 Review

In the modern world, every person owns a wonderful electronic device, especially a record player for the purpose of recording music and the voices of a person. Do you want a wonderful record player to make your home alive? Jensen provides you the best record player with several upgraded features. A Jensen JTA-230 3 speed stereo turntable comes with built-in speakers. This turntable belongs to a category of a record player under 100 $. If you are seeking for the best record player under 100 $ and a new turntable with high quality and best price, Jensen JTA-230 3 Speed Stereo Turntable with Built-in Speakers is an excellent choice.jensen-jta-230-review-1

Jensen JTA 230 Review:


Here we present some of the interesting features found on the Jensen JTA-230 3 Speed, Stereo Turntable with Built-in Speakers, it shows whether the Jensen JTA-230 3 Speed Stereo Turntable satisfies your recording needs or not.

Jensen JTA-230 3 Speed Stereo Turntable with Built in Speakers, Aux in, Vinyl to MP3 Converting/Encoding
3,744 Reviews
Jensen JTA-230 3 Speed Stereo Turntable with Built in Speakers, Aux in, Vinyl to MP3 Converting/Encoding
  • Belt Driven 3-Speed Stereo Turntable 33/45/78 RPM with Stereo Speaker...
  • USB Port with Cable included for Converting Vinyl Records to Digital...
  • Auxiliary Input Jack for Connecting Your iPod, MP3 or other Digital Audio...
  • Pitch Control for Adjusting the Record Speed; Volume Control, Tone Control
  • Power Indicator, Auto Stop Switch, Dust Cover. Power: AC 120V 60Hz. If you...
  • Jensen JTA features with Belt Driven 3-Speed Stereo Turntable 33/45/78 RPM with a wonderful Stereo Speaker System to make your audio sound clear and loud enough.
  • Jensen JTA-230 offers an awesome USB port in addition to a cable for converting vinyl records to digital format.
  • The most efficient Jensen JTA record player also comes with a fantastic software not only for the purpose of Recording your music and voices of your loving person but also for the purpose of editing and converting your long-lasting Audio Content to MP3 Format.
  • In addition to the wonderful built-in speaker, this proficient record player also delivers the auxiliary Input Jack for Connecting Your iPod, MP3 or other Digital Audio Players. Furthermore, it includes an RCA Line-out Jacks and magnificent Stereo Headphone Jack.
  • If you listen to guitar wailing records, the pitch adjust is a lifesaver, so it provides the Pitch Control for Adjusting the Record Speed; Volume Control, Tone Control.
  • Jensen JTA features with fantastic Power Indicator for the purpose of indicating whether the player is on or off and additionally it provides an Auto Stop Switch to turn off the player while you are not interested to listen to the music and it is dust Cover and the power consumed by this record player is very low of AC 120V 60Hz.


Some FAQ about Jensen JTA-230 turntable:

Q: About how loud is it? Can I hook this up to a bigger set of speakers if I needed to?

Answer: This turntable is set up to operate in a couple of ways. 1. You can hook it up to your computer via USB and play it through the pc/laptop while recording your vinyl onto another storage medium. 2. You can play your vinyl using the speakers on the machine. The speakers are ok, they are not bad for something small. 3. This item has the capacity to be plugged into your traditional home audio system using RCA cables. There is a switch on the unit that allows you to switch from a magnetic cartridge and ceramic cartridge.

Q: I’m confused. States it pays 33 1/3, 45’s and 78’s. Yet in the reviews, it says you need a 3 mil stylus to play 78’s What’s the deal?

Answer: The needle that comes with it works perfectly. No need to buy a different needle. I just bought this turntable largely so I can rip a bunch of 78s to MP3, but before buying another needle, like people are saying, I first tried it using the needle that comes with it. And it works just fine on 78s. I have some with good quality grooves, poor quality (scratched, warped, melted) and it works great on all. Of course, sounds great on 45s and 33s also.

If you are not satisfied with Jensen JTA 230 Review, you can always check these articles for some other turntable under 100 $: Jensen JTA 460 Review or Crosley CR8005A Review.


√ Check The Price and Read Customer Reviews √

Jensen JTA 230


  • Inexpensive
  • Small
  • Supports all three speeds
  • Decent sound for
    the price and for its size
  • Very easy to use
  • No setup and adjustments required
  • It can be connected
    to a personal computer
  • RCA and 3.5 mm outputs
  • Stylus replacements are
    available from the vendor
  • Good for a starter or casual listening


  • Does not have a lever to lift
    the tonearm, you have to raise
    or lower it manually
  • The built-in speakers are
    small and don’t get very loud
  • Low sound quality
    but decent for the price
  • Does not have automatic start-stop
  • Low bass response
  • Limited tone control
  • Does not have a counterweight
  • It cannot be upgraded.

Jensen JTA 230 Specs

  • Belt Driven 3-Speed Stereo Turntable – 33/45/78 RPM
  • Auxiliary Input Jack for Connecting Your iPod, MP3 or other Digital Audio Players
  • USB Port with Cable included for Connecting to Your Computer
  • Software Included for Recording, Editing and Converting Your Audio Content to MP3 Format
  • RCA Line-out Jacks
  • Pitch Control for Adjusting the Record Speed
  • Volume Control
  • Tone Control
  • Power Indicator
  • Stereo Headphone Jack
  • Stereo Speaker System
  • Auto Stop Switch
  • Dust Cover
  • Power: AC 120V 60Hz




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